Thursday, 30 November 2017
Removing the constraint of currency for full employment
It is common knowledge that banks do not lend out savings, but rather create money out of nothing when a contract is signed.
For example, the currency (account balances) for a mortgage does not exist until the contract is signed. Then a bookkeeping entry gives the bank an asset and the borrower a liability.
This newly created currency can then be used to purchase a house, materials, contractors, etc.
But there's a catch ...
Friday, 24 November 2017
The magic of money
The magic of money
Once upon a time a little village had merchants such as the baker and brewer who provided bread and beer to the carpenter and farmer, knowing that in exchange the carpenter kept the furniture and fittings in order, while the farmer supplied grain at harvest time.Friday afternoons in the pub they often pondered on how to trade with the village up the slope for grapes and wine, and the village downstream for beef and milk. The dilemma was coinciding the availability of products to barter, for eg., milk was available daily while wheat could be offered only at harvest time.
It would be difficult to establish the required trust to settle what is owed with strangers, or even neighbours who were not friends or family. So trade was stalled.
One Friday afternoon (in the pub again), a smartly-dressed sorcerer entered and offered a solution to the trade impasse. He opened his hand to reveal gems so attractive that everyone desired some. He said they were made from moonlight through a sacred process only sorcerers possessed, and called them moondrops.
He explained that since moondrops were universally sought after, they could be used purchase wine milk from neighbours at any time. The villagers immediately saw the utility of moondrops and agreed to secure a supply to trade with, by pledging their common land as collateral.
Trade expanded rapidly. The villagers enjoyed exotic foreign products such as milk, beef, grapes, and wine, while neighbours acquired a taste for bread and beer.
Almost unnoticeable, moondrops seemed to evaporate slowly. In order to maintain the level of trade, the supply of moondrops needed to be maintained by further pledges of assets and produce, and eventually even labour.
Inevitably, the sorcerers ended up with everything, reducing proud, skilled craftsmen and merchants to employees in their previous businesses earning just enough to feed themselves, and to keep coming back, indistinguishable from slaves.
A variation on the theme …
Instead of going to the pub, the sorcerer went to the king with promises of vast wealth through the purchasing power of moondrops secured with crown land, that the king could continue to use. What a deal eh?Citizens could be paid with moondrops, and then use them to trade among each other, and pay taxes.
However, moondrops were hexed, and slowly drained the vitality of citizens, and production from crown lands. The citizens found themselves working harder and harder, for less and less, while being taxed more and more to maintain the strained government trying to maintain crown lands, and law-and-order among a continually impoverished citizenry.
Eventually, rundown businesses were ripe for take-overs, and undefendable land vulnerable to invasion.
Of course the drained energy accrued to the sorcerers who used this power to create floods moondrops used to buy up land and businesses, and to foment wars against those who resisted. Eventually all assets were owned by the sorcerers, and all people relegated to slavery on the lands and businesses of their parents.
Lucrative arms industries to supply law enforcement and wars, and pharmaceutical industries to supply chemicals that temporarily relieved the energy drain of moondrops arose. Owned by sorcerers these industries soon became the dominant industries on the planet.
But of course, this is all make belief …
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
The laughing lion and the doves
The laughing lion and the doves
Perhaps the ashes of the labour guilds will be the phoenix that will form the nucleus of an alternative to bureaucracies, both corporate and government.

There is a thin layer of capable, productive people preyed upon by pyramids of parasites, whose livelihood depends on subjugation and exploitation of those capable of wealth creation.
Parasites who live for the accolades, scraping, and homage in contempt of subordinates grovelling for leave.
This is a world where human rights and freedoms do not exist. Indeed humans are considered resources and HR departments there to enforce corporate policy on those subjects.
However, the system won’t fix itself; it will have to be replaced.
Politicians are as ineffectual as board members in bringing about change, so we will have to build institutions outside of the bureaucracies by means of cyber-market mechanisms, and even low-tech coinage, where people can participate as it suits them in competition with corporations and governments.
Consider that governments and corporations were supposed to compete for skills and capital, but since people are trapped like cattle behind fences, capital alone has distorted both government and corporations to such an extent that cabinets are seeded with banksters, and CEOs, earning 100s of times the average wage, are appointed from that layer of capital.
Who cares about voters, taxpayers, savers, and shareholders.

We will have to not only make our own markets for our survival, but make them efficient enough to compete against the establishment.
But that will be easier than it might appear due to the burden of bureaucracies, that will crumble under their own incompetence once capable people have alternatives.
It’s time for the end of the reign (Ragnarök). Let the capable people (übermensch) be the lions scattering the flocks of bureaucrats.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Once upon a time an entrepreneur envisaged a watermill in a village with all the resources and skills to construct one
The mill’s construction drew on forests and quarries for raw materials, and on carpenters and masons for skills, stimulating demand and thus economic activity
Once the mill was completed, the village could reduce costs of flour and products such as bread and pastries which could be sold beyond the town limits. Cereals from neighbouring towns were also milled, making the enterprise a success, and the town prosperous

Once the mill was completed, the village could reduce costs of flour and products such as bread and pastries which could be sold beyond the town limits. Cereals from neighbouring towns were also milled, making the enterprise a success, and the town prosperous
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Pay and productivity
Pay and productivity
Since 1973 there has been a divergence of pay and productivity, contributing to the massive income inequality.
What happened in 1973?
Canada is a text book example. Before 1973, under the McKenzie-King legislature (and the constitution in fact), the publicly-owned (unlike the US Reserve bank) Banque du Canada managed the currency supply.
Control of national currencies
In 1973, under Trudeau premier, the right to create currency was handed over to private banks.
What this means is that all levels of government now have to be indebted to private banks for financing in the country's own currency, which is nothing more than a legal idea, created out of nothing but bookkeeping.
Worse, interest has now to be paid on that artificial (fiat) currency or the assets covering the debt (pension funds, infrastructure, buildings, land) will be seized. It is important to realise that the currency for the interest payments has not been "created", thus it has to be extorted from taxpayers.
An ever increasing percentage of government budgets (the largest single item) is paid to banks as interest for no reciprocal performance. Remember this budget is real effort and assets of taxpayer being handed over.
Money that should have been available for infrastructure.
Quantitative easing
Secondly, this free hand at creating currency has lead to an "exuberant" inflation of currency by the banks in the name of easing, bailouts, etc. (While the US's initial 2008 bank bailout was $760 billion, Canada's was $200 billion). This is simply the taxpayer being placed on-the-hook, under threat of foreclosure, for rampant currency creation, ie., debt.
Each new dollar created of course has purchasing power. This value does not come from the "printing press", but robbed from savings and wages through inflation (more units makes each existing unit less valuable).
Rate of impoverishment
We can only guess at the rates, but less say the inflation of the currency supply (it is parabolic) is about 12% per annum, and the inflation of consumer prices is about 2% (with food and fuel, perhaps 4%).
The difference of 8-10% per year is the rate at which productivity is being stolen from the producers.

Permit me a word on bankruptcies please. Bankruptcy does not mean "cleaning the slate"; bankruptcy means handing over your assets, ie., dispossession.
Bankruptcy is important because the bookkeeping trick requires that interest be paid out of the existing currency supply (loans/debt), thus reducing the currency supply forcing governments to perpetually borrow more just to maintain the currency supply and prevent deflation, and economic shrinking.
Every debt covenant has an asset attached, pension fund, infrastructure, land, etc.
This continual interest payments on our own currencies, requiring more debt to maintain the currency supply will inevitably lead to bankruptcy.
Dispossession of national assets
This simple bookkeeping scam, legislated in 1973, has lead to a volcano of new currency,
- debasing our saving and wages, and
- since currency is now debt, leading to bankruptcy and dispossession of national assets
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Usury, debt, interest
Usury, debt, interest
Deuteronomy 23:20
You may charge a foreigner interest, but you may not charge your brother interest, that the LORD your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land that you are entering to take possession of it.
DISPOSSESSION is the essence of issuing currency as debt at interest.
In an organic monetary system, governments create interest-free currency (as was the case in most democracies prior to 1973), and spends it into circulation via the budget. This was typically done by government-owned, central banks (such as Canada, but unlike the US where the fed is private). Commercial banks are agents of this money, not creators.
Currently all currencies are created the out of nothing by commercial (private) banks in exchange for a mortgage (death pledge) or collateral, issued as debt at interest.
For eg., someone approaches a bank for a loan. The bank does not retrieve the amount from the safe, but creates it out of nothing the minute it has a lien on property or enslaved the labour of the applicant. Suddenly the bank is in possession of an asset and interest income, where a moment before it had nothing.
The same applies to governments who forfeit pensions, land, and infrastructure.
This volcano of new currency, inflates the money supply (not inflation of prices) at the expense of savings and wages, which decrease in value as a result of this inflation.
Since the currency for the interest payments is not created with the loan, there is a drain on the currency supply to pay interest, inevitably leading to bankruptcies, ie., dispossession.
This is also the reason all governments are in more and more debt, since they cannot pay off the loans without exhausting the currency supply leading to economic stagnation and bankruptcies.
Exodus 22:25
If you lend money to my people ... you shall not exact interest from them
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
The US depends on Saudi Arabia for survival
The US depends on Saudi Arabia
If Arabia accepts Euros (like Saddam), or gold (like Muammar) for oil, the US would go bankrupt.
How does that work?
If another country needs to purchase oil they can only do so with US dollars (petrodollars).
That means that they have to produce something for the supermarket shelves or arms industry in the US in order to obtain US currency. This is often done below cost due to competition from other countries who also need US dollars for oil purchases and international trade.
Now, should there be no need for US currency for oil purchases the demand for dollars will disappear meaning:
- Anyone with USD will be scrambling to purchase anything that can be bought with USDs leading to massive inflation in the US
- Items on store shelves that were previously paid for with "paper" will now be unobtainable, or at least at a fair price
- The US will be denied their usual way of paying for imports and will thus suffer from a balance of payment deficit leading to further declines in the dollar exchange rate
- Prices of imported items will increase as a result of the declining exchange rate
- Assets in the US will become available to foreigners at bargain prices
Sunday, 21 May 2017
Recessions accelerate dispossession
Recessions accelerate dispossession
We need to grasp that recessions are a totally artificial manipulation of currency credit to cause bankruptcies and dispossession of property and enslavement of labour
It is our duty to free ourselves
It is our duty to free ourselves
If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don’t we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we’re partisans of liberty, then it’s our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
Do not use this money to pile up needless junk you don’t need. Use it to build your catapult. The one which will launch you over the walls of the corporate prison. Money gives you leverage. Build enough leverage, and you can pretty much do whatever you want all the time.
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Living tax free
As long as we a taxed, we are not free.
This site will demonstrate how to have good governance without tax.
Consider that before:
- 1973 government paid no interest (currently the largest expense in the budget)
- 1914 we paid no income tax
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